Cook the pasta according to the package directions.Want to make the best macaroni and cheese ever? Let’s go. So what can you do to guarantee that you are gonna sink your teeth into something delicious? Use more than one kind of cheese and use a lot of salt and pepper. But then other times, it is the most decadent, divine, reason to run an extra mile or two on the treadmill the next day. Sometimes you order macaroni and cheese out and it looks really good, then you take a bite to discover that it is under-seasoned and flat, nothing makes me sadder. The thing about macaroni and cheese in my opinion, is that it is either really, really delicious or really, really disappointing. All of the good things that you want going on when you are eating something bad for you.

I don’t eat macaroni and cheese very often, it is not exactly what one would call a “light” dish, but if I am going to eat it, this is the kind that I want. I am sitting here tonight trying to make my meal plan for the week and write my shopping list, but really all I can think about is this macaroni and cheese.