There is apparently nothing that can be done about it. "Hey man, you wanna see me smoke through my nose?" In a minute, man." Some several minutes will pass, by which time people will be thinking & talking of other things, and then he will ask: Maybe the answer is "No, man, nobody wants to see you smoke through your nose." Or maybe the answer is "Yeah, do it, man." In either case, stoner #1 will reply "OK, man. Stoner #1, not having got a reply, will simply ask again after a short pause. Maybe no one answers perhaps they just look at one another, with or without giggling. Suppose you are at a party, and someone (call him stoner #1) asks: "Hey man, you wanna see me smoke through my nose?" It does not make any difference whether the mod gets posted or not.

At least once a month until someone caves in and makes it to quieten him?